Sunday, June 20, 2021

For Marriage story

 What is marriage with a narcissist like?

So much lonelier than being single….

My friend has said over and over again that she had never felt so lonely as when he (diagnosed) was around her.

She just could not connect with him in any meaningful or genuine way. She tried very hard to do so but she could not get through. He was like a brick wall.

He didn’t really want a partner anyway, so he disappeared a lot. He didn’t want to be around her and she felt that to her core. It seemed like he wanted more of a mommy than a partner and then he seemed to hate her for that. He would actually try to bother her or piss her off so that he had a reason to storm off in a huff thus being able to do whatever he wanted without her. He planned it and liked it that way.

She wondered many times why they were still married anymore.

She tried to talk to him about fixing things and investing in their relationship and he told her to stop making problems where there were none and to stop being so emotional.

Everything was her fault if she tried to try to talk to him. He did not want to hear it. He said that people shouldn’t have to work at being together.

Everything with him was high conflict and difficult. Everything was a silent argument.

Life with him became just a long hard slog.

Being married to a cluster B person for her was like a cold and lonely deep dark abyss that eventually she had to climb out of all alone.

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